Dynamic Island concepts
UI/UX Hope it’s not too late to ride the Dynamic Island trend 🏝 Exploring blindly something ... -
UI/UX ✋ By using TikTok (it makes me feel younger) I realized the user needs to touch the ... -
Papaya Pay (concept)
UI/UX Design concept of Papaya pay ("A Better Way to Bill Pay"). Some restyling, new features ... -
Spoilerphobia – Hide episodes preview
UI/UX 🍿 When an episode ends with a shooting scene and the screen gets black, ... -
Gorillas – Shopping recipes…
Product, UI/UX Hi Gorillas , As a super lazy user I would appreciate some shortcuts during the ... -
Wolt – iOS widget
Product, UI/UX Hi Wolt, I love your app and your service. As the icing on the cake could ... -
events app
UI/UX Events is an app that suggests events around users they might be interested in. The user will ... -
Events on Instagram
UI/UX This concept represents just my personal ideas and vision. I am not affiliated with Instagram ... -
UI/UX, Visual Design Depth app Depth is an app useful for whom is looking for relaxing moments and wants ... -
Visual Design It is a company specialized in alimentary packaging. Kuyo woks with the most important ... -
UI/UX, Visual Design I really like the brand Blacklane and the idea behind their concept, but I ... -
Visual Design Hope you like Venice2 ... -
“a man consumed by wanderlust”
Visual Design "a man consumed by wanderlust" It is a photographic project that wants to show with ... -
Fashion Design, Visual Design Still working on some sort of intro. For now the only thing you have to ... -
Visual Design Logo and corporate identity (Bolt Global - 2016) Bolt Global Enterprise is one of the top insurance ... -
Punk Vanguard LOGO
Visual Design The needed was: something on a singe line, short. Something unique and different from the ... -
Visual Design Vigovo commissioned a new brand logo. One of the first principles that we considered ... -
Scuola Italiana Design LOGO
Visual Design Scuola Italiana Design - New logo and corporate identity During my second year at the Italian ... -
I’m not gonna choose this (font).
Visual Design I'm not gonna choose this (font). It is one of my first typographic project. The name ... -
Product Everyone needs to be taken care of when they get home. Can you think ... -
Cycling Uniform Dow Corning
Fashion Design, Visual Design A uniform for recreational cycling realized for Dow Corning which gave me the opportunity ... -
Skanger by Joe Seeb
Product Skanger was created as a compromise between a contemporary/underground art concept and convenience. the ... -
LED Board by Joe Seeb
Product LED Board is a wall lamp that thanks to the light makes it possible ... -
Board Chair by Joe Seeb
Product This object creates a new subcategory: TRASH design, a combination of environmentally-friendly and underground ... -
T-shirt by Joe Seeb
Fashion Design TREEBOOM This t-shirt was designed to be some sort of provocation. Two opposite but similar shapes: ... -
Electric Bicycle Jonny Mole
Product RIGHTS RESERVED Check Jonny Mole DesignJonny Mole Design commissioned us an electrical bicycle. We had ... -
8° Rassegna Cinematografica
Visual Design Professor Vittorio Prina commissioned us a poster for the 8th sci-fi, fantasy and horror ... -
Italian Gestures with Luca Vullo
Visual Design ITALIAN GESTURES: Exploring, stereotypes, language and culture with Luca Vullo (California State University, Long Beach - ...